Presentazione del libro “Homo Caelestis: l’incredibile racconto di come saremo”

Giovedì 14 ottobre 2021, la rubrica Speakers’ Corner del Centro Studi Borgogna ha dedicato l’incontro alla presentazione del libro “Homo Caelestis: l’incredibile racconto di come saremo” – pubblicato dalla casa editrice Longanesi – scritto da Tommaso Ghidini, ingegnere a capo della Divisione di Strutture Meccanismi e Materiali dell’Agenzia Spaziale Europea. L’Autore è stato ospite del Centro Studio Borgogna e dell’Avv. Patrizia Giannini, Avvocato, membro CSB e Senior Partner di Kairόs LBC. Un racconto sull’avventura dell’uomo nello spazio, e dell’irresistibile tensione che ci spinge verso l’esplorazione di nuovi mondi

This meeting has been dedicated to the book presentation “Homo Caelestis: l’incredibile storia di come saremo” – published by Longanesi – written by Tommaso Ghidini, Ph. D., Chief engineer of the Structures, Mechanisms and Materials Division of the European Space Agency.

The author has been guest of the Centro Studi Borgogna and Att. Patrizia Giannini, CSB member and Senior Partner Kairόs LBC.

Tommaso Ghidini, Ph. D. has been involved in the most prestigious aerospace programs in the world for over twenty years. His book illustrates the relationship and the irresistible attraction between humans and cosmos. The author takes the reader by the hand retracing the exciting past space missions and, even more so, presenting his vision of the future. A future which becomes ever so near  through his words. A future that he knows well, because he is building it and knows that the man of the new millennium will set up a station on the Moon, travel to Mars, launch interplanetary flights and cross the frontier that divides us from deep space. All of this will have a great impact on our planet and even our lives. Homo sapiens sapiens is ready to become Homocaelestis.
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